Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tests, Papers, and More Tests and Papers

The last few weeks have been nothing other than these things. Test, paper, test, paper. I had a test this morning, a paper due on Thursday, a quiz on Thursday, a test on Friday, and then an assignment due next Thursday, a test next Friday, another paper the following week...and so on and so on. I will say that I am enjoying my human genetics class that I was hesitant to add. I have learned a LOT of information. 

Why does my poli sci teacher cuss so much? In the 35 minutes of class so far I have counted over 15 f* bombs. No joke. 

My parents and brother and Tanya are coming over tomorrow for lunch. I am looking forward to seeing them, it has been probably since July. I may have to take Karsen into a doctor's appointment because his leg is getting irritated and red where they gave him one of his shots a week and a half ago. I am worried...just being a worry-wart mommy. So I may have to make my parents wait til three to come over instead of one. 

I had something else that I wanted to say, the reason for the blog, but it has left my mind. Perhaps it will come back and I will add it. 

I will continue to pray for Mike (Matt's older brother), as anyone who reads my blog should. I hope that if he has to have surgery, it goes better than the last time. 

Have a good day!


Jan Kelley said...

My head is spinning. I cant imagine your schedule, but I do sort of recall the need for a real cry, but not having time for it, There is so much mental exhaustion with the constant need for more mental work.
Precious Karsen. What in the world could be wrong with his little leg? Which shot was it? Poor little guy. I hope the redness goes away by tomorrow.

Thank goodness for genetics, right? Your cussing teacher is only representing his sugject area, just blowing a lot of hot air and smoke as the candidates are. I like the tallying of his cuss words. That makes the class go by more quckly when you feel like you have a real purpose in the class period. :-)
I love you tons, and am so proud of you. One day you will look back on this time and wonder yourself, as we all are now, "How did i do all of that?"jk

Anonymous said...

Ramona, I am so sorry you are having all of these tests and papers due at the same time. It's enough just being a good mommy and taking care of Matt and Karsen. Do hope Karsen's shot area gets better quickly. Maybe a little boo boo cold pack would help take the swelling out and make the area feel better. Dr. Uncle Mike would know best!

Karsen, today Grams made Hallowen cookies for Grandpa and wished for you to be here to help me decorate them and eat some with Grandpa. Would love to kiss those sweet cheeks! Give Mommy and Daddy hugs and kisses from us. Tomorrow is Grandepa's birthday. He is doing fine just working hard. We love you, Grams

Anonymous said...

Ramona, I think Matt is handsome no matter what kind of fur he has on his face, just look at those Kelley eyes! How could you help but love him. I love the photos!

Saw Wolfgang Puck on tv yesterday and thought about you and your love of cooking.

Hope Karsen's leg isn't bothering him now. :( Makes me sad. Made popcorn balls today and whished for his help!!!!!

Love3 you all, Dana